So, tonight was GNBC's first Monday Night Family ride of 2010. As it ended up, it was more of a Christianson family ride as my daughter Mamie and I were the only two attendees. This was a great father/daughter outing as Mamie and I took a nice ride north to Oak Grove park. The bridges are still up, so we stayed on the ND side, and worked our way back to the park for some great sliding, climbing, swinging, and hide-and-go-seek playing. As is the norm on every Family Ride, we returned to Great Northern Bicycle Co for our FREE scoop of gelato. Speaking of that, I wonder if Mamie had ulterior motives for going on the ride tonight? Either way, I would encourage all of you parents to join us next week for another chance to spend time together outside as a family (and get a FREE scoop of gelato from the cafe. See you next week.